August Trip 2015
Our Team is gearing up for our August Trip to Cap Haitien August 1-August 9th. This trip will be a new venture for us all. We have been to the clinic to see where we will be working. Currently there is only one other group going out to this clinic so our assistance is welcomed by the community This trip will be led by Sabine Boudreau. The team will be working at the Tovar Medical Clinic which was established in 1985. The clinic is about 20-30 min drive from the city of Cap Haitien.
Here is a vimeo video created by the only medical team currently partnering up with the people of Tovar to provide health care: 62080786
Doug and I had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Raymond Ford leads the team in the video; he has been working with the people of Tovar for the past 20 years and states they have been the only team coming out to the region for the past 10-15 years. We are excited to work together with organization on this venture.