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Monday, January 25, 2010

First Day in Haiti--The Border is Wide open

We drove all night, sleeping somewhat. Absolutely no trouble at the border, we were waved right through, no passports, no searching of the bags, no missing duct tape. We arrived at the mission about 7:30 am and unpacked and unpacked and unpacked.  then we started seeing patients...Well everyone else did...I had a spa appointment that I didn't want to miss, then I supervised for a while, then I took a nap.  I was kinda bummed because the jets on the hot tub weren't really working.  Anyway (everyone else) ended up seeing about 190 patients.  Not much, but not bad for the first day, and I got a mnai-pedi out of the deal.  We will be hopefully more organized tomorrow, and it looks like part of the team will be able to go to Jimeni in the Dominican Republic where a field hospital has grown up out of tents and is handling a lot of acuity.
For everyone worried about our safety,  here in Fonds, things are about the same as they were a few months ago, very calm.  No soccer today, maybe tomorrow.


  1. Dr. B, Just a quick note (that mom is typing because we are in bed)to let you know that we are very proud of "Our Dr. B"!!! Be safe and take care of all the children.
    God Bless you,
    Emma and Maya Crowley

  2. double d~
    some folks in good ol mo probably won't get your humor/sarcasm. more pics, please.your att. told me to write this.
    come home safe and sound!
